Personal Training

"I started training with John 8 weeks after having my baby and was desperate to get back in shape. What I achieved was much more than just losing the uncomfortable baby fat I had. What seemed like an impossible task was much easier than expected and super fun! Within a short period of time, I had visibly lost weight, gained definition and my overall strength and fitness had improved considerably. He has helped me look the best I have in my life...I can't recommend him enough!"

"I am working out with RiGBYFiT since a couple of years and this has become a must do of my week since the very beginning. RiGBYFiT helps me to feel better, stronger, both physically and mentally and the cross-training sessions with John are a key part of my long distance running preparation. John offers me flexibility in booking, crucial to fill a workout within a very busy and moving weekly schedule. I recommend RiGBYFiT to anyone looking for an effective solution to get and keep fit"

"I started working with John 2 years ago (2012) and noticed results within the first 2 weeks! We began by talking about my goals and what I wanted to achieve. I think it is really important to keep my fitness levels up but also to feel good. The sessions I have had with John have been world class. I would recommend him to everyone - he definitely knows what he is doing and gets the most out of each session."

I started working out with John 2 years ago, just as we were getting out of Covid restrictions, and have been training with him regularly since. The usual routine is combination of strength and cardio training, always outdoors in local parks, which I love!
John has a great way of training where while he challenges you to perform, he still has a has very laid back and relaxed manner about it, so I never “dread” the sessions and always look forward to them, even if I’m completely exhausted.
I carried on training with John when I became pregnant with my 3rd child, John was great at adapting the exercises accordingly and challenging me to stay active and fit. John was also amazing at building out a post-baby programme for me to get back in shape.
Although it’s not easy to find time and energy as a mom of three for regular exercise, having booked weekly sessions helps me structure my week where I plan time for myself and don’t neglect my well-being. Working out with John is one of the best decisions I’ve made for my physical and mental health as I can feel myself getting stronger and leaner each week!

"John Rigby is an excellent trainer. His background in physiology and anatomy really enable him to understand the physique and the muscle groups and that really benefited my training. He pushes hard but understands how to get the best results from each individual".

"John will never let you get bored in a workout. He constantly changes and adapts movements to make them more challenging and fun.Without realising, you are getting fitter and fitter."

"If you want a trainer who not only gets results but is funny and personable as well, John is for you. He's trained me for the last three years and not only keeps me in shape but makes every session a pleasure not a chore. I'd highly recommend him to anyone, for everything from maintaining fitness to a complete body overhaul."

"John always keeps his eye on the ball. I have trained with John every week for the last 4 years and he always comes prepared and ready for each session, continually changing and adapting new exercises. He concentrates on building my core strength, get that right and everything else falls into place. He gets the balance right as you improve your fitness, mixing cardio with strength. The hour's training always zips by and I always walk away feeling that little bit taller."

“The variety of training and exercises that john offers is really good...I certainly have exercised in ways that I don't do on a daily basis. A long hike in the mountains rewards you with an incredible view of the lakes, mountain biking in the forest, or some sand-dune walking, kayaking, boxing on the beach.”

"I spent 4 Days with John in the Lake District. John arranged the accommodation and provided an intense and varied exercise regime: hill walking, biking, gym, jogging etc, in a very beatuiful part of Britain. On top of all that, John is a great cook. I'll be going back for more."

Sonia & Mark
"The retreat was absolutely excellent. Very easy to book and appreciated the tailored approach. We loved all the activities. The pace the everything was organised worked really well. The food throughout was excellent. A really nice variety and every meal was delicious. The settings all around Coniston were amazing and the ease of John having all that local knowledge to drive us to exactly where we need to be and take care of all the timings and all the food was what made it so easy and just what we needed in a retreat."